Holy Week worship service schedule.
Holy Week worship service schedule.
The 9:30 am Sunday service on January 7, 2024 has been canceled due to winter weather.
Congratulations to the Yuletide Quilt Show Committee for a great show! Over $4,800 was raised!
December worship services will held at our Higganum campus except for the Christmas Eve Candle Lighting 7 pm service which will be at the Haddam campus.
See Carol Matregrano after church or stop by the church office to pick up your tickets!
Collecting all the fixing for a Thanksgiving feast for ten families in our community.
Open Sew and Quilting every first Saturday of the month at our Haddam Campus, 9 am – 4 pm.
Caring Connection is a new initiative that acts as a first contact point for members seeking special fellowship support or assistance from church leadership.
The Joint Outreach Committee is currently collecting school supplies for Church World Service.
Every $30 collected translates into a boneybee gift for a family in need. Collection runs throughout the summer.