January 2025 Sunday services are at our Higganum Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Missions (Page 2)

Supplies Needed for VBS

The Christian Education Committee is joining forces with Higganum United Methodist Church this summer to offer the community the week-long VBS experience Rolling River Rampage! FCCH & HCC will be providing the evening meal on Thursday, July 23rd. We are currently looking for cash donations (the chicken strips all have to be the same brand…

Diaper Drive Raises Over $1,000

Thank you to everyone who celebrated Mother’s and Father’s Days this year with a monetary donation to our Mission/Outreach Committee’s Diaper Drive. We are delighted to announce that we exceeded our second goal for the drive, raising over $1,000. (Mission/Outreach had originally set a goal of $500, which quickly was met!) All donations will go…

Diaper Drive Planned

As everyone knows, the bottom line for parents is that you need LOTS of diapers for babies and toddlers! Celebrate Mother’s and Father’s Days this year with a monetary donation to our Mission/Outreach Committee’s Diaper Drive. This will be a virtual drive, and all donations will be made to the Diaper Bank of Connecticut which…

Collecting Sports Equipment

With spring arriving and weather warming ,sometimes our thoughts turn to sports. The Solnit Center which houses 13-17 year olds has expressed a need for outdoor and indoor sports equipment. Due to the pandemic, a donor was unable to contribute this year so our Christian Outreach Committee is looking at ways our church community can…

Outreach Money at Work

After contacting Amber Stramm, the Director of the HK Backpack Program, to find out what the program was most in need of, the Joint Outreach Committee voted to donate ten gallons of milk each week from April 23 – May 14. During COVID-19, the program supplies seventeen families each Thursday with enough groceries for a…

Collecting for Thanksgiving Dinners

The Mission/Outreach Committee invites everyone to help us fill fifteen “Thanksgiving Dinner” boxes for families in Haddam/Higganum.  A large turkey poster located on the FCCH chancel has tags with all the supplies for the dinners.  Take a tag, bring in the items, and put them on the front pews by Sunday November 24th. After service…

School Supplies for CWS and Y&FS

Thank you for your contributions to the school supply ministry! As many of you know, the FCCH Christian Service Committee and the HCC Outreach Committee collected school supplies for both Church World Service and Haddam- Killingworth Youth and Family Services during the month of July and August. Because of your generosity, we were able to…

Mother’s Day CWS Blanket Sunday

Mother’s Day Blanket Sunday Sunday, May 12th Starting April 28th, the FCCH Christian Service Committee invites you to remember and honor your mother (or another cherished person in your life) by “purchasing” a blanket. Contributions of $10.00 (or more) allow Church World Service (CWS) to purchase blankets for people in crisis situations in the US…

Hat & Mitten Collection

Throughout the month of December we will be collecting new hats, mittens, and scarves for our neighbors in need. Items can be hung on the Hat & Mitten Tree (located in the Fellowship Hall at FCCH) on Sunday mornings during December or dropped off at the First Congregational Church of Haddam during regular office hours.  …