August 4 & 11 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus, August 18 & 25 are at our Higganum Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Supplies Needed for VBS

The Christian Education Committee is joining forces with Higganum United Methodist Church this summer to offer the community the week-long VBS experience Rolling River Rampage!

FCCH & HCC will be providing the evening meal on Thursday, July 23rd. We are currently looking for cash donations (the chicken strips all have to be the same brand and type so we will be picking those up with your cash donations), frozen corn, and oranges.

We also are looking for volunteers to help prepare and deliver the meals to the Methodist Church; hot, in to-go containers, and the orange slices in zip bags.

High school students who volunteer to help out during the camp will receive community service hours.

Please contact Amy Harlow if you can donate or volunteer.