July 2024 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Community (Page 2)

Diaper Drive Raises Over $1,000

Thank you to everyone who celebrated Mother’s and Father’s Days this year with a monetary donation to our Mission/Outreach Committee’s Diaper Drive. We are delighted to announce that we exceeded our second goal for the drive, raising over $1,000. (Mission/Outreach had originally set a goal of $500, which quickly was met!) All donations will go…

Diaper Drive Planned

As everyone knows, the bottom line for parents is that you need LOTS of diapers for babies and toddlers! Celebrate Mother’s and Father’s Days this year with a monetary donation to our Mission/Outreach Committee’s Diaper Drive. This will be a virtual drive, and all donations will be made to the Diaper Bank of Connecticut which…

Collecting Sports Equipment

With spring arriving and weather warming ,sometimes our thoughts turn to sports. The Solnit Center which houses 13-17 year olds has expressed a need for outdoor and indoor sports equipment. Due to the pandemic, a donor was unable to contribute this year so our Christian Outreach Committee is looking at ways our church community can…

Welcome Baskets For Solnit Center

During Lent, we will be collecting items for welcome baskets to be distributed at the The Albert J. Solmit Children’s Center in Middletown, CT.  The baskets are given to youth when they are admitted to the center, helping them to adjust to their new environment. The welcome baskets contain items such as:  shampoo, dental care…

Moving Memorial for Deb Livingston

On September 25, 2017, we lost a beloved member of our congregation, Debbie Livingston. This past Sunday evening, September 23, 2018, we gathered on the banks of the Connecticut River to remember Deb:   wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.  We remembered Deb in words, song, and story.  At the end of the service,  we each…