January 2025 Sunday services are at our Higganum Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

'Mission' Tagged Posts

2017 Quilt Show a Success!

The 7th Yuletide Quilt show held on Saturday, December 2, 2017 was a success. The quilted art work displayed in the sanctuary was spectacular. All the bright colors beautifully displayed in the plain white traditional congregational sanctuary were a feast for your eyes.  I hope you had a chance to stop and see us. Thank…

New Sunday School Mission Project

The FCCH/HCC Combined Sunday School Students are working on a Mission Project to try to make a difference in the lives of those affected by the recent natural disasters in Puerto Rico, the Caribbean Islands, Montana, Texas, Florida, and Mexico.  100% of the funds collected will be used to help supply victims of these disasters with…

5th Annual Golf Tournament a Success!

  We held our Annual Mission Golf Tournament on June 11th at Quarry Ridge Golf Course and continued our now 5-year streak of surpassing the previous year’s success. Enjoying the day were 64 golfers, 12 course volunteers and 10 dinner-only guests, all supported by 48 tee sponsors, including 2 new platinum sponsors, GCI Outdoor and…

Bread Ministry Presents Check for Haddam Fuel Bank

At the morning service on Sunday, October 30, 2016, Ginny Evensen presented Candace Casale, Coordinator for Haddam Public Health,  with a check for $2033.  This amount represents the total raised by the FCCH Bread Ministry for their sale of artisan breads at this years Higganum Village Farmers’ Market. A big thank you to our 2016…