January 2025 Sunday services are at our Higganum Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Community (Page 5)

Quilt Show Raffle Tickets on Sale!

First Prize Entitled:  Butterfly Gift Created by the Haddam Community Quilting group, this beautiful quilt is comprised of twenty-four appliqued butterfly squares made by an unknown artist in the 1930’s.  The community group assembled and hand-quilted the quilt during the past year to produce this lovely masterpiece. Second Prize Entitled:  Gifts of Joy This lovely Christmas-…

2016 VBS Penny Wars Champions

Congratulations to the NARWHALS, the winners of the 2016 Vacation Bible School Penny War Mission Project Competition!  This group of 4th & 5th graders brought in over 4,500 pennies and hundreds of other coins to become the Penny War Champions and winners of the Perpetual Penny War Trophy. All the VBS campers are to be congratulated for…

A Beautiful Feast

This Thanksgiving, the congregation donated enough food items to fill fourteen turkey baskets (lovingly decorated by our Sunday school children!) for families in our community through Haddam Public Health. The baskets included everything needed for a Thanksgiving Feast, all but the turkeys, which were graciously donated by Michelle Crete from Northeast Clearing.  Thank you one and all!

St. Vincent de Paul Dinner

On Sunday, October 25th, the church served 100 people at the St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen in Middletown, CT. Thank you to Deb Livingston who organized the dinner, our cooks (Ginny Evensen, Suzanne Wintsch, June Lamoureux, Sue Craffey, Bari Edmondson, and Nancy Thody), and our confirmation class  for serving the dinner. Approximately 100 people…

Bible Study Schedule

Thursday Mornings, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. LOCATION The Saybrook at Haddam 1556 Saybrook Road Haddam SCHEDULE Sept. 10       Chapter 1:  Parables Sept. 17       (No Bible Study) Sept. 24      Worship Service:  Miracles (Chapter 14) Oct. 1           Chapter 17:  Transfigured Oct. 8          Chapter 19:  Family Values Oct. 15        Worship Service:  Forgiveness (18:21-35) Oct. 22        Chapter 20:  On…

VBS Penny War Champions Announced

Congratulations to the TURTLES, the winners of the 2015 Vacation Bible School Penny War Mission Project Competition!  This group of 4th & 5th graders brought in over 5,500 pennies and hundreds of other coins to become the Penny War Champions and winners of the Perpetual Penny War Trophy. All the VBS campers are to be congratulated for…