July 2024 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Community (Page 3)

Coffee Cup Collection

February 1 – February 25 The Joint Christian Service Committees will be collecting coffee mugs, new or used, for the St. Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen in Middletown, CT. Here is a chance to clean out your cupboards and find a good home for your large collection of coffee mugs. Mugs can be placed in the box…

2017 Quilt Show a Success!

The 7th Yuletide Quilt show held on Saturday, December 2, 2017 was a success. The quilted art work displayed in the sanctuary was spectacular. All the bright colors beautifully displayed in the plain white traditional congregational sanctuary were a feast for your eyes.  I hope you had a chance to stop and see us. Thank…

Annual Hat & Mitten Collection

Throughout the month of December we will be collecting new hats, mittens, and scarves for our neighbors in need. Items can be hung on the Hat & Mitten Tree (located in the sanctuary at Higganum Congregational Church) on Sunday mornings during December or dropped off at the First Congregational Church of Haddam during regular office hours.…

CROP WALK raises over $3,400

What do you get when you combine 3 Churches 30 Participants several  dogs 1 cat (in a stroller!) and a beautiful walk through the state park? $3,402 raised for Church World Service! Thank you to all our walkers and their sponsors!

Hurricane Harvey Response

A Letter From Kent Siladi Connecticut Conference Minister The news from the devastation in Texas continues to unfold in tragic ways. As members of the United Church of Christ we have always been committed to providing immediate support to the hardest hit parts of the world through natural and human caused disasters. Our commitment goes far beyond…