January 2025 Sunday services are at our Higganum Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Announcements (Page 11)

Appreciation Dinner for Stephanie

Friends are invited to gather on June 6th at 5:30 pm at The Blue Oar Restaurant to say goodbye to our Administrative Assistant, Stephanie Fitzgerald Knopf.  We are sorry to see her go, but we want to send her off right! If you think you might like to attend, please let Pastor Michelle know for…

Mother’s Day CWS Blanket Sunday

Mother’s Day Blanket Sunday Sunday, May 12th Starting April 28th, the FCCH Christian Service Committee invites you to remember and honor your mother (or another cherished person in your life) by “purchasing” a blanket. Contributions of $10.00 (or more) allow Church World Service (CWS) to purchase blankets for people in crisis situations in the US…

Order Easter Lilies

Please help decorate our sanctuary for Easter by ordering a lily, tulip, or hyacinth in memory of a loved one, in honor of a special occasion, or to celebrate the season. Plants range from $6.00 to $12.00 each. Make checks payable to “FCCH” with “Easter Lily” in the memo line. Download the Order Form HERE.…

Welcome Baskets For Solnit Center

During Lent, we will be collecting items for welcome baskets to be distributed at the The Albert J. Solmit Children’s Center in Middletown, CT.  The baskets are given to youth when they are admitted to the center, helping them to adjust to their new environment. The welcome baskets contain items such as:  shampoo, dental care…

Sign Up for Cottage Meetings

Cottage Meetings Beginning in March What is a cottage meeting? Quite simply, it is a small group of ten to twelve church members who will gather with Interim Pastor Michelle in a member’s home for approximately 90 minutes for informal discussion and light refreshments. It is a wonderful way for Pastor Michelle to get to…

Hat & Mitten Collection

Throughout the month of December we will be collecting new hats, mittens, and scarves for our neighbors in need. Items can be hung on the Hat & Mitten Tree (located in the Fellowship Hall at FCCH) on Sunday mornings during December or dropped off at the First Congregational Church of Haddam during regular office hours.  …