July 2024 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Posts by admin (Page 8)

Collecting Sports Equipment

With spring arriving and weather warming ,sometimes our thoughts turn to sports. The Solnit Center which houses 13-17 year olds has expressed a need for outdoor and indoor sports equipment. Due to the pandemic, a donor was unable to contribute this year so our Christian Outreach Committee is looking at ways our church community can…

Order Easter Flowers

Flowers may be ordered in honor or in memory of a loved one. Plants will be photographed in both church sanctuaries for use in our online services. Flowers will be available for pick up at the HCC parking lot on Saturday, March 27th, between 10 and 11 a.m. If you would like to have the…

Lenten Devotionals

We have obtained access for our members and friends to the 2021 Illustrated Ministry Lenten Devotional “Where Your Heart Is.” The Devotional spans the six weeks of Lent and Easter week, and can be used by youth and adults. It includes meditative coloring and written reflection pages, scripture texts, and applications. The weekly themes are:…

Ash Wednesday On-line Service

February 17, 2021 8 a.m. via Zoom Interim Pastor Michelle, Music Director Eric Lundin, and members of the Deacons will prepare an on-line Ash Wednesday devotional service using the “Illustrated Labyrinth Meditation” resource. This service will be streamed to Facebook Live and over Zoom using the usual Sunday sign-on. It will also be available throughout…

Shawl Ministry Update

Good news! We are restarting our Prayer Shawl Ministry gatherings for work and fellowship. Join us Wednesday, February 3rd, at 10am for a virtual gathering using the usual Sunday Zoom sign on. For materials or more information, please contact Carol Ricker or Edie Williams.

Deepening our Advent Experience

This year, we are invited to deepen our experience of the Advent season as our congregations engage the “Advent Ethics” materials from Baylor University’s Institute for Faith and Leadership. On Mondays at 10am, our adults study will discuss articles and art from the curriculum according to the schedule below. On Wednesdays and Fridays at 8am,…

Christmas Gift Donations

ADOPT a FAMILY from HKYFS for CHRISTMAS This year we have adopted 2 families from HK Youth and Family Services for Christmas Gifts. One family has 2 boys ages 5 and 6. The other has a 6 year old boy.   The UNWRAPPED gifts can be dropped off at HCC on Saturday Dec. 12 from 10-11 am.…