August 4 & 11 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus, August 18 & 25 are at our Higganum Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

The Azam Khan family is well and like most of us looking forward to Spring.

March is when parent teacher conferences are held and Betty Devlin, our education specialist has met with school teachers and staff regarding the progress of all the children and reports that they are adjusting well and eager to learn. The parents are pleased and proud, as they should be.

Azam has received his learners permit and needs to get road practice before taking the road test. Our goal is to take the road test ASAP. A drivers license will bring the family additional freedom and responsibilities. HaRRP is gathering information on options for a family vehicle and cost of insurance and possible fund raiser to help the family get reliable, cost effective options. Be sure to let us know of any leads you might have.

Three of the children are registered for Little League. One child has a mentor who will work on his skills, get him to and from practices and games. The other two boys are in need of mentors who can facilitate the same for them.

The HK tennis coaches scheduled an introduction to tennis on March 22nd at the HK courts and several tennis team members were present. The children will be encouraged to participate, and we will see if they want to do more.

We have aquired bikes and helmets for all four of the children. We could use volunteers to help with instruction and suggested bike routes for a safe and fun experience for all.

Mrs. Khan has considerable free time while the rest of the family is at work and school. She is interested in alteration work and other activities. Do you have any time, mending or ideas?

We continue to meet at the library on Thursday evenings. Some of the family receives formal ESOL tutoringe during this time while the remaining family members play games, participate in art projects, computer time, reinforcing school lessons and just having fun. We can always use volunteers to keep this fresh.

Lessons in money management, adjusting to life in the US and Haddam as well as asking the family to teach us about their culture are topics that can enrich us all.

Ramadan began March 20 and lasts for 30 days. Adults fast from sunup to sundown. The family is planning a celebration for the end of Ramadan and are asking for more carpets and cushions, if you have or know of any please let us know.

I hope you are ready to step up and get involved. The rewards are amazing!

Thanks to all volunteers especially the drivers who have been getting the family to work, numerous appointments and shopping!

For more information contact us at [email protected].