July 2024 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Giv2 Feeding Children Everywhere Event

Thirty spots for Giv² participants have been reserved at the

Feeding Children Everywhere Holiday Hunger Project

December 12, 11 a.m. – noon

We are going to be packing meals for malnourished children. This is very meaningful, especially during our holiday season so filled with food and treats. They also make these events very fun with competitions between filling stations.

We will fill these slots with the kids first and on the chance we do not get enough , we will then open up to adults.

Below you will find the particulars including address and time. We will meet a little early so we can start with a gathering of the group. I know this is a busy time, but these events are so meaningful!!

FCE NE Office, 425 Hayden Station Rd., Windsor, CT 06095

Learn more about FCE at www.feedingchildreneverywhere.com