January 2025 Sunday services are at our Higganum Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Welcome New Member!

On October 24, 2021, we welcomed into membership at FCCH and HCC Dianne Hines!

Dianne was baptized and confirmed at Higganum United Methodist Church as a youth, and attended FCCH for a few years when she lived nearby in the 1980’s.

She began attending worship at FCCH/HCC and joined the Combined Choir a few years ago. She likes the people of our churches and feels a strong faith connection here.

Dianne worked for the Regional School District 17 for nearly forty years, and her church membership sponsor is her former co-worker, Linda Hansen.

Dianne enjoys cooking, baking, gardening, and hiking, and looks forward to helping with church events including suppers when the pandemic permits.

Welcome Dianne!