July 2024 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

'Lent' Tagged Posts

Lenten Devotionals

We have obtained access for our members and friends to the 2021 Illustrated Ministry Lenten Devotional “Where Your Heart Is.” The Devotional spans the six weeks of Lent and Easter week, and can be used by youth and adults. It includes meditative coloring and written reflection pages, scripture texts, and applications. The weekly themes are:…

Ash Wednesday On-line Service

February 17, 2021 8 a.m. via Zoom Interim Pastor Michelle, Music Director Eric Lundin, and members of the Deacons will prepare an on-line Ash Wednesday devotional service using the “Illustrated Labyrinth Meditation” resource. This service will be streamed to Facebook Live and over Zoom using the usual Sunday sign-on. It will also be available throughout…