July 2024 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Tag Sale Reminder – Start your spring cleaning!

Start cleaning out your closets/attic and garage!  Planning is underway for our annual Tag & Bake Sale on May 5th from 8:00 – 1 pm.

Donations can be dropped off at the church:

     Thursday, May 3rd    10 am – 2 pm  &   6 – 8 pm

     Friday, May 4th    10 am – 2 pm   & 4 – 8 pm

Items can also be brought in earlier by appointment.  Contact Ginny Evensen for details.

Items we CANNOT take:  major appliances, TV’s (except flat screen), large furniture, stuffed animals, old computer equipment, books, and clothing.

Bake sale items may be brought on Friday or Saturday morning.

We will be making our signature Artisan Breads to sell at the bake sale. 

Proceeds benefit St. Vincent DePaul Ministries and the Haddam Fuel Bank.  The more items donated and sold means the more we can give to these agencies.

Thank you for your support!