January 2025 Sunday services are at our Higganum Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Hurricane Harvey Response

A Letter From Kent Siladi

Connecticut Conference Minister

The news from the devastation in Texas continues to unfold in tragic ways. As members of the United Church of Christ we have always been committed to providing immediate support to the hardest hit parts of the world through natural and human caused disasters. Our commitment goes far beyond the important work of basic necessities and help needed by those struggling in the aftermath of these events. We are committed to long-term relief efforts, long after the news has passed and the attention of the world has shifted.

The impulse to offer help is a critical one. There are a wide variety of ways to help and the United Church of Christ “Emergency USA Fund” insures that 100% of the funds received will be used in direct emergency relief efforts. It is a good use of your church and individual resources to help in this way.

Churches can also collect items to assemble Church World Service cleanup buckets. Kits can be dropped off at the Center Congregational Church in Meriden, CT. UCC Disaster Ministries has matching grants to assist in assembling kits.

Our national disaster ministries will be providing information regularly:

Our prayers are with those who have experienced loss and devastation in this most recent event and we invite your gifts and actions in the days, months and years to come.

There will be a special disaster relief collection during worship service at FCCH on September 3rd and September 10th.