July 2024 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Weird Animals VBS

Come join the fun this summer at Weird Animals Vacation Bible School!  There will be lots of singing, dancing, crafts, games,  team-building, and exciting Bible stories!

God filled the world with a lot of crazy creatures…including you!  When kids feel weird, different, or even lost in a crowd — nothing compares to the extraordinary love of Jesus.
Who:  4 year olds – entering 5th grade in Fall 2016
When:  Monday – Friday, July 11 – 15, 2016
Time:  9 a.m. – 12 noon
Where:  First Congregational Church of Haddam, Haddam, CT
Cost:  $25.00 per child  ($50 maximum per family)

Celebration Sunday

Sunday, July 17, 2016

9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Please join the campers for a special one hour service where they will sing camp songs and act out skits depicting the five bible stories they learned during the week at Vacation Bible School.
Also during this time, the Penny Wars Championship Trophy will be awarded as well as recognition for all our volunteers.
The morning ends with a Pancake Breakfast and a VBS Camper Art Show!

Download a Registration Form HERE.


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