Decenber 2024 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Remembrance Service

Remembrance Service

October 4th, 4 pm

Haddam Meadows State Park, Rt. 154, Haddam, CT

As in previous years, we plan to offer a community Remembrance Service for those who have lost loved ones. This is a tradition begun in memory and honor of Debbie Jones Livingston.

This year’s program will take place at Haddam Meadows at 4pm on October 4th, with masks required and social distancing. Elements of the service will be recorded so we can make it available to those unable to attend due to Covid19 concerns.

We encourage people to construct a paper boat, write the name of a lost loved one on the boat, and during the service launch the boat onto the river.  If you are unable to attend, send your boat in to church and volunteers will launch it on your behalf.  Direction on how to construct a floatable paper boat can be found on-line.


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