January 2025 Sunday services are at our Higganum Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Member Affirmation Celebration

Come (re)affirm your commitment to our new church community!

Three dates to choose from: February 12th, March 19th, May 21st

So what are these celebrations all about??

As Pastor Hilary said recently during a Sunday service, “These celebrations are all about affirming that you want to be on this Christian journey here and now at the United Congregational Church of Haddam and Higganum, and that you want to be doing it with all of us!” 

During worship on Affirmation Sundays, there will be a short liturgy of reaffirmation asking you state that you want to be a part of this faith community.  This is a way to spiritually confirm and celebrate those promises and vows you made when you first joined this community.

It also gives people that may be attending worship but have not claimed formal membership an opportunity to join the church.

Above all else, “it is a CELEBRATION!  We really have come through a lot of work to get to this point.  It’s the work of the church that we have been laboring.  We have the right to celebrate this hard work and achievement by acknowledging who we are – and who we are is a NEW CHURCH!”

“It’s a hard thing to merge churches and we’ve done it staggeringly well.  It’s taken time and there have been some bumps in the road, and there will continue to be bumps in the road, so that’s another reason to give ourselves a hand and give ourselves credit!” 

May these special services transform our community and strengthen our souls. 

Sign up for one of the dates by either contacting Sue Henehan, Sue Craffey, or the church office.