January 2025 Sunday services are at our Higganum Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Elemental Lent Program

Join First Congregational Church of Haddam (FCCH) and Higganum Congregational Church (HCC) for worship, prayer, and learning this spring as we engage an “Elemental Lent.”

Worship. During our 9:30am Sunday Services at FCCH and HCC we will explore Essential Elements of the Lenten Journey through and to Resurrection:

Sit in the Wilderness with Jesus as your fingers trace a track in Sand. (March 1st, FCCH)

Reflect on Sacrifice and place a Stone of remembrance. (March 8th, FCCH)

Experience the Refreshment of Water (March 15th, FCCH), and the Healing of Light (March 22nd, FCCH).

Seek Connection with God’s Love (March 29th, FCCH) and join in the Expectation of Change (April 5th, HCC).

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Prayer. Each Sunday we will introduce a devotional theme and scripture verse for the coming week. (These also will be emailed on Mondays to our mailing list.) Instructions and materials for “Resurrection Gardens” to be grown at home will be provided beginning March 1st.

At Noon on the Wednesdays in Lent Pastor Michelle will toll the bell and then lead a brief (10 minute) service of psalms and prayer in the Memorial Garden at Higganum Congregational Church. (If the elements are too daunting, we will move into the Meeting House.) Dates: February 26th, March 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th, and April 1st.

Learning. Our 10am Monday Adult Class will continue its study of the scriptures of Handel’s Messiah using the Kerygma “Hallelujah” curriculum. This class meets in the Lewis House at FCCH. Newcomers and periodic attendees are welcome!

Following worship on Sunday, March 15th, four of our church members will present about their recent work at Back Bay Mission on the Gulf Coast.

On Tuesday, March 24th from 7-8:30pm, the community is invited to Higganum Congregational Church for a special program “Ask a Chaplain.” The Rev. Peg Lewis, retired Director of Religious Ministries at Yale New Haven, will answer our questions and share about spiritual support resources available when you or a loved one are hospitalized or undergoing treatment.

Holy Week. Our Palm Sunday, April 5th, our intergenerational worship service with Palms and Communion at HCC will transition into a 2nd-hour program, “A Visit to Ancient Jerusalem,” a hands-on learning experience of Bible times that will include breakfast, crafts, and music.

On Maundy Thursday, April 9th, we will offer a solemn service of Communion and Tenebrae at 7pm at First Congregational Church of Haddam.

Easter. Friends and neighbors are invited to join us for Sunrise Service at 6:30am at Haddam Meadows, followed by refreshments at First Congregational Church of Haddam.

Our 9:30am Easter Worship Celebration at Higganum Congregational Church will feature special music and be followed by a traditional Easter Egg Hunt during our fellowship time.

Ash Wednesday. As Lent begins, we are invited to join the members of the Congregational Church of Killingworth on Ash Wednesday, February 26th, at 7pm, for a service of worship at the church at 273 Rt. 81, Killingworth.