Decenber 2024 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Church News (Page 7)

2021 Yuletide Quilt Show a Success!

The 10 th  Annual Yuletide Quilt Show held on Saturday, December 4, 2021 was our biggest show yet! Over 100 pieces of quilted art work displayed in the sanctuary was spectacular. All the bright colors beautifully displayed in the plain white traditional congregational sanctuary were a feast for your eyes. Congratulations to Lisa Burr, winner…

Welcome Rev. Hilary McLellan!

On Sunday, October 31, 2021, the First Congregational Church of Haddam and Higganum Congregational Church unanimously called Rev. Hilary McLellan as their new settled pastor. We are so excited for our future together! Photos from Candidating Sunday, October 31, 2021: Photos from the October 30, 2021 Meet & Greet

Welcome New Member!

On October 24, 2021, we welcomed into membership at FCCH and HCC Dianne Hines! Dianne was baptized and confirmed at Higganum United Methodist Church as a youth, and attended FCCH for a few years when she lived nearby in the 1980’s. She began attending worship at FCCH/HCC and joined the Combined Choir a few years…

Meet Our Pastoral Candidate

EXCITING NEWS from the PASTORAL SEARCH COMMITTEE We rejoice to report that the Joint Pastoral Search Committee of Higganum Congregational Church and First Congregational Church have selected and recommended a pastoral candidate!  There will be an opportunity to meet the Candidate on Saturday, October 30th. Join us anytime between 4-6pm at HCC. The Candidate will preach and lead…

Moving Forward Together

HCC and FCCH members voted on September 26, 2021 to affirm their intention to move forward to form a new church. There will be much work ahead as the two churches become one, but this is a significant milestone in a process of shared ministry and mission that began several years ago. Each church substantially surpassed the…

Joint FCCH/HCC Special Meeting

All members and friends of the First Congregational Church of Haddam and of Higganum Congregational Church are urged to attend a very important meeting on Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 7 pm at Higganum Congregational Church. This is the final meeting to discuss the joining of the two congregations and the upcoming special business meeting…

Fall Adult Bible Study

This fall our weekday study will explore the historical Jesus and the challenge of his proclamation of the Kingdom of God in the context of the Roman Empire. We will use Living the Question’s “First Light” curriculum which features scholars John Dominic Crossan and Marcus Borg and footage from biblical lands. To see a sample…

No 9:30 In-Person Service on 9/19/21

Weekend of the First Joint FCCH/HCCRon Booth Mission Golf OutingNO IN-PERSON 9:30AM SUNDAY WORSHIP ONLINE Sunday Worship Service will be available to view by Saturday at YouTube or Facebook 8am IN PERSON Outdoor Worship offeredon Sunday, September 19th at the Higganum Gazebo(bring your own chair or attend virtually from anywhere!)