July 2024 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Crop Walk Goes Virtual!

The Walk is virtual,

but the need could not be more real!

 Our CROP Hunger Walk will be happening in a new way for 2020! To keep everyone safe and healthy, Crop Walk is going virtual!

The Mission/Outreach Committee invites you to participate by registering on-line, collect donations, and then on the weekend of October 3-4 either walk alone, with immediate family or in small groups walking at a safe distance apart.

More information on our virtual walk will be coming in September, but remember to

Save the date:  OCTOBER 3rd and OCTOBER 4th.

The work of CWS and our local hunger agencies continues – and with the possibility of a global famine on the horizon, raising money for vulnerable people is more needed than ever.

Register HERE.

We walk because they walk.


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