July 2024 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Fall Adult Bible Study

This fall our weekday study will explore the historical Jesus and the challenge of his proclamation of the Kingdom of God in the context of the Roman Empire.

We will use Living the Question’s “First Light” curriculum which features scholars John Dominic Crossan and Marcus Borg and footage from biblical lands. To see a sample of the video component,

Join us at Lewis House (masks required) or by Zoom Mondays at 10am beginning on September 13th. (Tentative session schedule is below.)

Print out the Readings and Discussion Questions or request them in print form from the church office.

Adult Bible Study Calendar

September 13The Matrix of Jesus
September 20The Advent of the Messiah
September 27God’s Great Cleanup
October 4Collaborative Eschaton
October 10No Class
October 18The Lake as the World
October 25Parables as Lures
November 1Jesus as Lord
November 18Substitutionary Atonement?
November 15Demonstrations in Jerusalem
November 22The Crowd & the Crucifixion
November 29No Class
December 6Resurrection as Resistance
December 13America as the New Rome