July 2024 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Deepening our Advent Experience

This year, we are invited to deepen our experience of the Advent season as our congregations engage the “Advent Ethics” materials from Baylor University’s Institute for Faith and Leadership.

On Mondays at 10am, our adults study will discuss articles and art from the curriculum according to the schedule below.

On Wednesdays and Fridays at 8am, Interim Pastor Michelle and a Deacon will lead a brief prayer service featuring the “Great Antiphons,” or “O Antiphons.” These services will be accessible by Zoom (note special Zoom link for these seven services) and live-streamed to Facebook.

For an introduction to Advent, see “The Advent Invitation” by Larry Parsley. He writes:

“Advent presents the church with an engraved invitation. A countdown clock has begun for Christ’s return engagement, and the fact that only God can read the numbers on the clock does not eliminate our need to respond enthusiastically to the invitation.”

10:00am Monday Adult Study Christian Reflection: A Series in Faith and Ethics https://www.baylor.edu/content/services/document.php/125868.pdf

Preparation for Monday Adult Study Sessions

Attend one, some, or all of the sessions using our usual Sunday Worship Zoom link. If possible, please read the article(s) listed in advance of the session.

11/30  “Distinctive Traditions of Advent” (pp. 47-53)


“The Coming Light” (pp. 54-55)


12/7    “What Are We Waiting For?” (pp. 17-25)


          “Taking Advent Seriously” (pp. 89-93)


12/14  “Advent of the Heart: The Prison Meditations of Alfred Delp, SJ” (pp. 33-40)


          “Confronting the Powers” (pp. 56-59)


          “Prepare the Way of the Lord” (pp. 60-62)


12/21  “The Three Advents” (pp. 26-32)
