July 2024 Sunday services are at our Haddam Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

Hurricane Harvey – How You Can Help

News Post From  CTUCC.org

As of Wednesday, August 30th, the Harvey storm has unloaded 9 trillion gallons of water. With over 50 inches of rain deluging the 4th largest U.S. city of Houston and surrounding areas, the storm has now shifted and is impacting Louisiana and parts east as well.

From the perspective of the amount of volume unloaded in the United States from a single storm, Harvey has no rival. The numbers of people impacted continues to rise with current estimates of near 500,000 homes. FEMA already has 87,000 registrations and is estimating 450,000 or more. On this day, search and rescue continues. The United Church of Christ is there NOW through local churches, UCC conference disaster coordinators, and as a strong part of coordinated response networks with wide reach. The United Church of Christ will be there for the Long-Term with significant work as people recover their communities and rebuild their homes and lives.

Your action is needed now.

PRAY  The UCC is part of response networks you see on the news and those you don’t see.

The response and rebuilding will be long-term. Your generous contribution now makes this long-term response possible.

ORGANIZE a yard sale, bake sale or other local fund-raising event and send the funds. Provide disaster preparation materials to bring your local community together.

DONATE CLEAN UP KITS through Church World Service. The UCC has matching grants available.  Kits can be dropped off at the Center Congregational Church in Meriden, CT.

VOLUNTEER when the time is right. Mission groups and individuals will be needed. Sign up to stay connected. Right now, your group is needed to serve in Florida and Louisiana, areas still recovering from past disaster events. The UCC will be a strong presence on the ground in the areas impacted by Hurricane Harvey in the years to come.

Find the latest UCC updates at: www.ucc.org/disaster

Watch a video from Our Church’s Wider Mission on how how the United Church of Christ responds to natural disasters