The FCCH/HCC Combined Choir sing “How Beautiful” on Pentecost Sunday under the direction of guest pianist and choir director, Mr. Joel Spineti.
The FCCH/HCC Combined Choir sing “How Beautiful” on Pentecost Sunday under the direction of guest pianist and choir director, Mr. Joel Spineti.
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On Memorial Day weekend, the congregation had the opportunity to stroll through the Memorial Garden, remembering friends and family no longer present, offering special prayers, and dedicating any new stones.
Sunday, May 29th our 9:30 am worship service will move from Haddam to Higganum to emphasize the theme of Memorial Day.
The Service of Installation for Reverend Hilary McLellan was held on Sunday, March 13, 2022. Read all about the joyous service…
The community meet at the First Congregational Church of Haddam on Friday, April 1, 2022, to pray for the people of Ukraine.
See the 2022 Holy Week Schedule here…
Support the HK Backpack Program by donating shelf-stable milk and packaged cookies. Read more ….
The Haddam Quilt Group is starting up again, meeting two Wednesday evenings a month. Details…
Come celebrate our shared ministry with Reverend Hilary McLellan. More details…