January 2025 Sunday services are at our Higganum Campus
An Open & Affirming Congregation

2015 Children’s Love Thy Neighbor Campaign

Who is our neighbor? And how do we show them love?

When a group of third graders were asked these questions, one child responded:   “A neighbor can be anyone, not just the person who lives next door. You can show them love by being kind. Being friendly. Helping them if they need help.”

 Our “Love Thy Neighbor” Campaign will focus on one “neighbor” in particular, Amanda Lisitano and her family. Amanda is a Higganum resident, mother of three, and daughter of Marsha Brielmann, the head teacher of the Haddam Cooperative Nursery School.

 Last summer, Amanda was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. This year’s mission project will be to show Amanda and her family God’s love by helping with grocery bills, medical bills, and related expenses.

 Please help in teaching our children how to love their neighbor by talking to them about how they can help. Some ways include bringing in an offering to Sunday school each Sunday, participating in fundraising events like the Mardi Gras Brunch, bringing in coins for Pennies from Heaven, and participating in the Lenten Mission project and VBS Penny Wars. Other fundraising opportunities will arise during the year, too!

Thank you for supporting this campaign!